Pir Syed Moin ul Haq Gilani

Sajjada Nasheen (Chief Custodian) Of The Shrine Of Golra Sharif Religious Scholar; The Mystic Poet And The Author Of Several Books.

22 Rajab, 1446 h Wednesday



Pir Syed Moin ul Haq Gilani was born on August 1, 1957, in the sacred city of Pakpattan Sharif, Punjab, Pakistan. His maternal relatives are descendants of Shaikh ul Islam Baba Farid ud Din Ganj e Shakar (R.A.). Through his paternal lineage, he is linked with Hazrat Ghaus e Azam, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) in the 28th generation, and Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S.) in the 39th generation.



August 1, 1957
Thursday, 5th Muharram – 1377 AH

Pakpattan Sharif, Punjab, Pakistan

Religion Islam

Pir Syed Shah Abdul ul Haq Gilani (RA)
(April 16, 1926 – July 30, 2020)
His maternal relatives are descendants of Shaikh ul Islam
Hazrat Baba Farid ud Din Ganj e Shakar (RA)


Syed Mehr Fareed ul Haq Gilani

Syed Mehr Masood ul Haq Gilani

Syed Mehr Jawad ul Haq Gilani


Pir Syed Qutbul Haq Gilani (Younger Brother)
Pir Syed Ghulam Mohyuddin; alias Babuji (RA) Grandfather

Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah Gilani(RA) Great Grandfather

Order Sufism: Silsila Qadriya Silsila Chishtiya
Sajjada Nasheen (Chief Custodian) Of The
Shrine Of Golra Sharif
Based at Golra Sharif, Sector E-11, Islamabad, Pakistan
Predecessor Pir Syed Shah Abdul Haq Gilani (RA)

Family Tree of Pir Syed Moin Ul Haq Gilani is as under:

1-Syed Moin ul Haq Gilani s/o

2-Syed Shah Abdul Haq Gilani (R.A.) s/o

3-Syed Ghulam Mohyuddin Gilani (R.A.) s/o

4-Syed Mehr Ali Shah (R.A.) s/o

5-Syed Nazr Din Shah (R.A.) s/o

6-Syed Ghulam Shah (R.A.) s/o

7-Syed Roshan Din Shah (R.A.) s/o

8-Syed Abdul Rehman Nuri (R.A.) s/o

9-Syed Inayat Ullah (R.A.) s/o

10-Syed Ghayas Ali (R.A.) s/o

11-Syed Fatehullah (R.A.) s/o

12-Syed Asadullah (R.A.) s/o

13-Syed Fakhar-ud-din (R.A.) s/o

14-Syed Ihsan (R.A.) s/o

15-Syed Dargahi (R.A.) s/o

16-Syed Jamaal Ali (R.A.) s/o

17-Syed Muhammad Jamaal (R.A.) s/o

18-Syed Abi Muhammad (R.A.) s/o

19-Syed Miran Muhammad Kalan(R.A.)s/o

20-Syed Miran Shah Qadir Qumais Sadhoravi (R.A.) s/o

21-Syed Abil Hayat (R.A.) s/o

22-Syed Taj-ud-din (R.A.) s/o

23-Syed Baha-ud-din (R.A.) s/o

24-Syed Jalal-ud-din (R.A.) s/o

25-Syed Daud (R.A.) s/o

26-Syed Ali (R.A.) s/o

27-Syed Abi Saleh Nasr (R.A.) s/o

28-Syed Taj-ud-din Abubakar Abdul Razzaq Jilani (R.A.) s/o

29-Syedna Ghaus-e-Azam Mohyuddin Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) s/o

30-Syed Abu Saleh (R.A.) s/o

31-Syed Abdullah Jili (R.A.) s/o

32-Syed Yahya Zahid (R.A.) s/o

33-Syed Shams-ud-din Zakariya (R.A.)s/o

34-Syed Abubakar Daud (R.A.) s/o

35-Syed Abdullah Saleh (R.A.) s/o

36-Syed Musa Al-Jawn (R.A.) s/o

37-Syed Abdullah Mahdh (R.A.) s/o

38-Syed Hasan Musannha (R.A.) s/o

39-Syedna Imam Hasan Al Mujtaba (AS)s/o

40-Syedna Ali (Karam Allah-0-Wajhul Kareem) (Allah be pleased with them all)


Pir Sahib was born in a very pious and enlightened family. He received his Quranic education from Maulvi Fateh Muhammad and learned Persian language and grammar from Maulvi Allah Bakhsh Matthialvi. Both these teachers were renowned scholars and eminent men of knowledge. According to Pir Sahib, his uncle Pir Syed Ghulam Moinuddin Gilani (RA) took great pains in teaching him calligraphy and mastering the art of perfectly drawing the geometrical shapes of Persian script and aligning the words.

He received initial education in Arabic grammar and syntax from his respected father Pir Syed Shah Abdul Haq Gilani. His formal Islamic education, The Daras e Nizami was completed under the guidance of Allama Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Who was the Head Teacher of Jamia Ghousia Golra Sharif and the author of many books including the most sought-after biography of Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah Gilani (R.A.).

Pledge of Allegiance (Baet)

In 1973, Pir Sahib made a pledge of allegiance (Baet) to his grandfather Hazrat Pir Syed Ghulam Mohyuddin Gilani Babuji (RA) in Masjid-i-Nabvi (Prophet’s Mosque) in the holy city of Medina Sharif.


Pir Sahib’s Grandfather Babu Jee (RA) performed his last Hajj in 1973, accompanied by all his Family Members including Pir Sahib. After Hajj the entourage visited Iraq and paid tribute to their Great ancestors’ Holy Shrines of Maula e Kainat Hazrat Ali (AS), Imam e Ale Maqam Syedna Imam Hussain (AS) and others at Najaf Ashraf, Karbala Mualah and Kazimain Sharif.

Then they visited the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Ghous e Azam Syedna Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) at Baghdad Sharif where Pir Sahib’s Nikkah was performed with his Cousin, the daughter of his Uncle Pir Syed Ghulam Moin ud Din Gilani (RA). The Marriage was later solemnized very elegantly in 1978 at Golra Sharif.


Allah has blessed Pir Sahib with three sons and a daughter. His eldest son is Syed Mehr Fareed ul Haq Gilani. Next in line is Syed Mehr Masood ul Haq Gilani and the youngest son is Syed Mehr Jawad ul Haq Gilani.

Syed Mehr Fareed ul Haq Gilani
Syed Mehr Masood ul Haq Gilani
Syed Mehr Jawad ul Haq Gilani

Permission to take Pledge of Allegiance (Baet)

In 1997, his father Pir Syed Shah Abdul Haq Gilani, who was then the Chief Custodian of Golra Sharif Shrine, permitted him to take pledge of allegiance from the seekers of Sufi path.

Protector of the Ideology and Faith

Since his childhood, the knowledge about the intellectual and spiritual accomplishments of his ancestors and particularly of his illustrious great grandfather Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah Gilani (RA), illuminated his heart and soul with the light of faith and firm belief in divine wisdom. This illumination of his soul touched his being in such a way that he started feeling the strength of an inwardly enlightened person.

Because of his words and deeds, he is known amongst the masses as the true protector and reviver of the ideological and faith-based heritage of Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (RA). He is continuously engaged in spreading the intellectual and spiritual teachings of his highly respected and accomplished great grandfather. For this purpose, Pir Sahib arranged to get the publications of his Great grandfather reproduced in modern and attractive get up, simultaneously introducing diligent and meaningful research methodologies and explanatory mannerisms for spreading the teachings and eulogizing the religious contribution of his great grandfather.

He also published the Urdu translation of the Persian books written by Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (RA). Recently a famous book of Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (R.A.) namely “Shamsul Hidayah Fi Isbat e Hayatil Maseeh” (Guidance concerning the “livingness of Jesus Christ (first published in 1317 A.H, -1900 C.E.) which was written mainly in Urdu has been translated into Arabic and sent to the various Arabic Speaking Muslim Countries as well as to the National and International Libraries of Islamic Educational Institutions.

The book was written to refute the fake claims made by Mirza Ghulam

Ahmed Qadiani (a false claimant of Prophethood in the Indian Sub-Continent) about the livingness of Jesus Christ and to reveal authenticated facts about the Doctrine of Livingness of Jesus Christ, in the light of Holy Qur’an and Hadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


He has authored and published many books in service of his faith as well. His main publications include the following:

1. Subhanallah Ma Ajmalaka– Collection of devotional poetry (Hamd o Naat)

2. Riaz ul Manaqib– (Devotional Poetry in praise of Holy Personalities other than the Prophets).

3. Yadon Kay Dareechey (Poetry)

4. Fuyuzat e Mehria (Articles on remembrance and meditation)

5. Zikr us Saleheen (remembering the Holy Saints)

6. Tazkiratul Arifeen (remembering the Saintly Masters)

7. Wa Sallay Ala Kia Shanan Hai (on blessings of Durood Sharif)

8. Nigarishat e Moinia (Thoughts and Reflections)

9. Maqalat e Moinia (Thoughts and Reflections)

10. Maslak e Mehria dar nikah e Syeda Fatimiya (Rulings and Views of eminent Scholars of Golra Sharif on Marriage of Syeda with non-Syed)

11. Dars e Masnavi Sharif (Brief Narration of selected verses from the Mathnavi Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (RA) (Mathnavi is a genre of Persian and Urdu Poetry with rhyming couplets).

12. Dars e Futuh ul Ghaib (Translation and Narration of Eleven famous Sermons in Arabic given by Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam, Sayyiduna Shaikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA).

13. Harf e Natiq (Collection of his articles published in the monthly magazine “Mehr-e-Munir”)

Pir Sahib is a sublime, noble and worthy descendant of a centuries old lineage of most well revered Saints and Scholars whose history is richly illustrated with the golden traditions of unflinching faith, unquestionable obedience to and love and Respect for the Almighty Allah, a strong bondage of devotion with the holy prophet and the Divinely Blessed Saints and Spiritual Persons along with an unfathomable, sincere and ever willingness for the wellbeing and comfort of the Mankind, in fact, all the creatures of The Supreme Master of the entire universe. He has been genuinely, richly gifted with the unmatchable attributes of his forefathers.

The Punjabi and Urdu speaking people all over the world fondly speak of Pir Sahib’s Great Grandfather, the gifted visionary and religious reformer and reviver Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (RA) and specially eulogize his famous Na’at,” Aj sik Mitran di Wadheri aay “

(Today the Love and desire to meet the Friend( Beloved) is at its peak). It is not only regarded as Divinely Inspired and revealed Masterpiece of poetry but is also considered an essential part of all spiritual gatherings .No one can even imagine the holding of a religious or spiritual gathering without paying Tribute to the Most Beloved Prophet of Allah, through these Superb Verses.

Historically speaking, all the Great Ancestors of Pir Sahib, including Hadrat Syedna Ali, Karam Allah Wajha ul Kareem and Hazrat Syedna Ghous e Azam had been great men of letters with rich personal accomplishments and deep interest in poetry, having a profound knowledge of poetical forms and mastery of creative versification in all its Forms fields and branches. It won’t be impertinent to mention that the Poetical Works of these past Masters significantly excelled and became distinct due to their rich, universal recognition based upon their Thought Provoking and Spiritual, Divine content. This treasure of the powerful mystical poetry continues even today to influence and

guide the Humanity towards the Divine knowledge and its Torch Bearers. Tradition has also been followed by Pir Sahib. He is not only outwardly, but also intrinsically bestowed upon with the richest embellishments of his Respected Forefathers` Legacy.

He has also attained mastery over all those personal attributes of character, knowledge, spiritual discipline, and devotion to Divinity.

Besides being an ” Embodiment Incarnate” of piety, virtue and decency, he also excelled as Master of various forms of learning creative instincts and poetry. He has an enviable Command over;

  • Hamd (The devotional poetry in praise of Allah),
  • Na’at (The praise of the self and attributes of The Holy Prophet Muhammad, (SAW), and
  • Manaqib (Tribute to sacred personalities, saints and family members and companions of the Prophet).
  • He also produces beautiful Ghazals which are manifestations of human feelings and experiences and the worldly realities and experiences.

The poetic name (تخلص) used by Pir Syed Moin ul Haq Gilani in his poetry is (Moin).

Some of the selected verses from Pir Sahib’s poetic work are given below.